Learning in Mobile Service Robots

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Intelligent service robots require the capability of learning new knowledge from experience and exploiting the knowledge to improve the way of completing the given task. To achieve such capability, the learning focus group developed database API for collecting training examples from experience, systems of learning the characteristics of environment, especially spatial distribution of objects and temporal/spatial distribution of people in corridors, and system of learning actions from demonstration.


The learning group focuses on developing the functionality of the robot to collect data, process data to learn the knowledge, and provide new knowledge back to the user in a more refined form. As this is the first learning focus group of the course, the major goal of learning group in this semester was to set foundation of work in learning by providing API of database for collecting data and sample capabilities on the basis of learning features. These sample abilities are learning appropriate action from the given demonstration and learning the pattern of the environment from the observation such as the distribution of objects. We expect that API of database will be necessary part for the work of future learning group and the sample capabilities will provide useful functions for more complex tasks. This report describes accomplishments of the learning group in this semester and required amendments for the better usage.